Trends in Lifestyle

The Latest Trends in Lifestyle and Travel

The world of lifestyle and travel is constantly evolving with new trends emerging all the time. From sustainable tourism to bleisure travel to multigenerational trips, the way we live and explore is changing. This article explores the most notable current trends when it comes to lifestyle choices and travel adventures.


Sustainable Tourism

Sustainable tourism refers to travel that minimizes environmental impact, positively benefits local communities economically, and preserves cultural heritage. With climate change and overtourism threatening destinations worldwide, sustainable travel has become a major priority. Some key aspects of sustainable tourism include:

  • Eco-friendly accommodations like green hotels that implement renewable energy, recycling, local food sourcing and more sustainable practices. Costa Rica and Scandinavia lead in eco hotels.
  • Community-based tourism where locals invite tourists to explore their communities in an authentic way while directly benefiting residents. Many indigenous communities now offer this.
  • Conservation-led travel that directly supports environmental protection efforts like scientific research expeditions or wildlife conservation volunteering.
  • Off-the-beaten-track destinations that disperse tourists beyond crowded hot spots through incentives to highlight alternative sites. Slovenia and Slovakia are model examples.

Travellers increasingly want authentic, ethical experiences that tread lightly and give back. Tour operators and destinations themselves are responding by highlighting sustainability credentials through certifications like Travelife. Post-pandemic, sustainable travel is one of the most significant lifestyle trends reshaping tourism.

Bleisure Travel

Bleisure travel refers to trips that combine business and leisure time into one getaway. Instead of discrete business trips and vacations, bleisure travel blends these motives into a singular trip. With remote work allowing more flexibility, bleisure offers the chance to explore a destination after a work obligation wraps or mix leisure days between work events. Key advantages include:

  • Cost savings from one combined airfare and single hotel stay
  • Opportunity to spend extra time discovering a new destination
  • Chance to upgrade from usual business accommodations and enjoy amenities during off-work time
  • Flexibility to schedule leisure activities between work commitments

With the rise of remote work and worker demand for improved work-life balance, bleisure travel has exploded in popularity. A 2022 survey found that 72% of business travellers are likely to extend trips in the future. Destinations like London, Las Vegas and Miami are top bleisure spots given their business draw combined with plenty of leisure attractions.

Multigenerational Travel

Multigenerational travel refers to trips that bring together family members of different generations. This may include grandparents, parents and children — or a subset like grandparents and grandchildren. Key motivations for multigenerational trips include:

  • Desire for family bonding time and creating meaningful memories
  • Opportunity for grandparents to pass along life lessons and family history to kids
  • Chance for grandparents to enjoy active travel while still able
  • More quality time together than possible during hectic daily life

Multigenerational trips allow ages to enjoy fresh experiences together while learning family history and reminiscing.leading multigenerational travel destinations combine attraction draws across ages alongside amenities tailormade for groups. Orlando remains the top multigenerational spot with theme parks for kids balanced with golf, shows, great dining and resort pools that please all ages.

Wellness Tourism

Wellness tourism refers to travel motivated wholly or partly to maintain or improve health and wellbeing. This covers both mental and physical health through legitimate therapies and programs endorsed by health bodies. Main wellness tourism activities include:

  • Yoga or meditation retreats to reduce stress and attain inner peace
  • Healthy cooking classes and nutrition counselling to improve diet
  • Physically challenging excursions like adventure races or treks
  • Detox or weight loss camps and bootcamps to boost fitness
  • Alternative medicine like Ayurveda treatments, hot spring bathing
  • Life coaching and self improvement workshops

The global wellness industry is worth over $4 trillion today. Tourists increasingly want to feel good both while travelling and long after trips end.

Destinations like Bali, Costa Rica, Portugal, California and British Columbia cater to wellness travellers through world-class wellness resorts and health facilities in serene settings ideal for self-improvement.


Workations refer to working remotely while on vacation to blend travel adventures with getting work done. Instead of vacation days spent mostly offline, workations allow professionals to sustain some work productivity while enjoying a trip. Key workation aspects include:

  • Inspiring destinations that stimulate creativity and rejuvenate
  • Accommodations with work-friendly facilities – WiFi, desks, calm settings
  • Flexible schedules to balance work and leisure time smoothly
  • Activities and attractions to enjoy during non-work hours

Top workation destinations like Mexico, Thailand and Portugal offer great infrastructure for remote work including co-working spaces with stunning backdrops. A Deloitte survey found over half of millennials have taken a workation in the past year. As more roles allow remote work flexibility, mixing travel with some work is becoming the ultimate perk.

Type of TravelKey CharacteristicsTop Destinations
Sustainable TourismEco-friendly, community-based, conservation-led, off the beaten trackCosta Rica, Scandinavia, Chile
Bleisure TravelMixing business and leisure tripsLondon, Las Vegas, Miami
MultigenerationalDifferent generation family tripsOrlando, Rome, Hawaii
Wellness TourismHealth, wellbeing and wellness focused travelBali, Costa Rica, California
WorkationsBlending remote work with vacation travelMexico, Thailand, Portugal

Future Travel Trends

While no one can predict the future precisely, current travel trends point to some likelihood around what experiences tourists will seek out more in the years ahead.

VR/AR Enhanced Trips

Virtual and augmented reality already augment some tours and attractions like heritage sites and museums to immerse visitors and inspire wonder. As VR/AR technologies improve alongside expanded creative uses, travelers can expect more destinations to adopt enhanced experiences.

DNA-Based Personalized Itineraries

Some tour operators like JustYou tailor travel suggestions based on clients’ DNA test results. This scans for genetics impacting fitness, nutrition and more that then inform ideal destinations and point out risks tied to ancestry for more personalized trips.

Region-Specific Ecotourism

Sustainable travel will increasingly zone in on specific regional practices that support local conservation paired with authentic cultural experiences wholly unique to that destination. Sites will highlight species and environments not found elsewhere.

Wellness Tourism For The Masses

Budget wellness escapes will proliferate to make wellbeing travel more inclusive through affordable retreats, mass-market spa centers and stress-reducing excursions offered at all price points.

Space Travel

While space tourism is just getting started and currently costs millions, scientists are already developing more efficient rockets expected to keep lowering the price point until space travel becomes mainstream for regular tourists.



What is sustainable tourism?

Sustainable tourism refers to travel that minimizes environmental harm, economically benefits local communities and preserves cultural heritage. Key aspects include eco hotels, community tourism where locals host authentic experiences that support them directly, conservation research trips and off-the-beaten-path travel to avoid overtourism in major hubs.

What’s driving the rise in multigenerational travel?

More multigenerational travel stems from families wanting meaningful time together to bond across ages through exciting shared experiences that build connections. Grandparents also pass down life lessons while parents and kids teach them about trends. It allows quality time not possible in daily life.

What are examples of wellness tourism activities?

Top wellness tourism pursuits include yoga/meditation retreats, healthy cooking classes, physically grueling adventure excursions, alternative medicine treatments, detox programs and life coaching workshops targeting self-improvement through legitimate health therapies.

How do workations combine working and vacationing?

Workations allow professionals to sustain some work productivity through travel by choosing inspiring destinations with work-friendly facilities like reliable WiFi, desks and calm spaces to focus. Scheduling also balances leisure and work while taking advantage of vacation spot attractions during non-work hours.

What technology could enhance future trips?

Emerging technologies like virtual reality, augmented reality and even advancements like commercial space travel are likely to enhance future trips in more immersive, awe-inspiring ways. VR and AR may also enable tourists to envision future climate impacts through simulations that inspire sustainability.

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